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5 Reasons why Internal Recruiters & External Agencies Should Work Together

Finance & Accounting Principle Consultant
Finance & Accounting Principle Consultant
Charlie has over ten years of experience in the recruitment industry. He began his career in Data Analytics recruitment before joining The Consultancy Group in 2018, where he has since specialised in Accountancy and Finance. Charlie excels in placing both newly qualified and senior finance professionals in SMEs and FTSE-listed companies, primarily within the Media, Technology, Retail, and Business Services sectors.

Let’s address the elephant in the room: internal recruiters and internal talent teams aren’t fans of agencies, and agencies often don’t understand how valuable (and crucial) it is to build and maintain relationships with talent.

​Sure, hiring managers enable you to go directly to the source, but not following processes and metaphorically going behind talent’s back can do more damage than good.

​“But, it should be one or the other”

Wrong! Talent teams and agencies can work in harmony, and it should always be seen as a value-add if you combine the two.

In reality, talent teams often don’t have the capacity or time to fill every role their company has, especially during a growth period.

Equally, agencies can benefit hugely from talent functions as they are completely dedicated to recruitment. In contrast, the reality of working with a hiring manager is that they are spinning several plates that have nothing to do with recruitment, and a lot of the time will take priority.

Here are 5 reasons internal recruiters and external agencies should (and can) work together!

Specialist Roles

Especially in a growing organisation, talent functions often fill roles outside their specialities.

Technical roles that are niche and hard to source can be a time-suck, which is where specialist agencies can help to dedicate all of their time to finding the best candidates.

Specialist roles often require deep technical knowledge to master, as well as a developed candidate network – which if a talent team doesn’t have – they should consider using a recruiter with these resources and connections at their fingertips.

Confidential Roles

Whether it’s replacing someone at C-Suite or building out a team “under the radar,” – agencies are well-versed with confidential roles and dealing with this professionally while still representing your brand effectively.

Agencies have specific processes that they can follow and educate clients on for confidential roles while still being efficient and finding high-quality talent.

Streamline Processes

Process management is a role in itself, and with periods of growth, it often needs to be reviewed at a minimum on an annual or 6-month basis.

Agencies are dealing with organisations of varying sizes and have most likely seen every process in the book, understanding each flaw as well as what does and doesn’t work. Agencies aren’t just great for finding quality talent but also excellent for process management.

Strategic Go-to-Market Approach

If you’re a new brand within an organisation or simply want to improve your reputation in the market, creating a strategy can be time-consuming and difficult to understand if you’ve never executed a go-to-market strategy before.

A recruitment partner can advise you on what to do and allocate additional resources within their agency to help you achieve your hiring goals sustainably whilst still having the desired impact.

Candidate Experience

Finally, candidate experience is paramount – and sometimes, you may not have the time or resources available to provide an exceptional candidate experience to all.

Responding to applications, providing detailed feedback, or even checking in post-interview all make a huge difference to your organisation’s reputation and how successful and unsuccessful candidates view you.

We love partnering with talent teams, and we’re always open to having conversations on how we can add value through recruitment, process management, and so much more.

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